Tuesday, November 30, 2010

MMQ ...What is the meaning of life?

I wrote a title, "What is the meaning of life?" on 23 Nov & yesterday a good friend, Maram commented with his beautiful insight onto it. I can't resist not to share his words with everyone. Allow me to post it please.....

My Dear Bob,
Thank you very much for writing a topic and sharing what you see as the meaning of life. That was exactly how I used to see it too!. Sure rang a few bells to put a smile and giggles in my heart! As life's journey takes its twists and turns, so did my view of life as it traverse from one chapter to another. The objective is to be happy always. To understand the meaning of life, I needed to explore the question of the purpose of life itself. I began to think of our very existence, that everything we see and have around us is designed and made by someone, from designer fashion wears to electronics gadgets to spaceships and submarines to atom bombs etc. Then we watch the amazing underwater worlds in National Geographic HD, with unimaginable array of beautiful living things, the lives of incredible creatures in the wild etc. This thing called Earth is so incredible and yet is but only one component of the huge universe. Then it dawned on me that there must be a creator designer of all these great universe and its contents! No chance that all these came into being by chance. Certainly not!. I am fully convinced that there is one creator of all this, the whole comprehension of it is way beyond human capacities. Today we dont know so many things because the body of knowledge in this world is too huge for man to fathom all. So, to me, to understand the meaning and purpose of life, we need to go back to basics ie to understand life itself from its origins to its final destination! And it is not complex at all!. Sounds like a heavy subject or task indeed, but on the contrary it is as simple as can be!! It starts from self exploration, and then look at our surroundings. From there, the answers will come to you as you continue to search for the one and only one Creator of the worlds. Common sense will tell us that there cannot be more than one, or the world/universe would be very difficult to manage as it has to be perfect in its execution!Yes nothing less than perfection! When I understand life, then perhaps I will be able to truly achieve happiness, not necessarily the happiness in the dimension that most will define today. Most of us are too busy with our daily challenges, as I was before, to be able to dwell into these "other" VERY CRITICAL QUESTIONS ON OUR LIVES. Those who do will find their real meaning and purpose of life. TQ


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