Friday, December 10, 2010

Life insurance agent & Medical Doctor save lives.

Selling tips....

Life insurance agent and medical doctor are both professions that require to save lives. The different is doctor saves life of patients who are already sick, whereas agent prevents clients from getting sick. Are you confused? Read on plssssssss....

As a respected doctor he stays in his clinical surrounding, waiting for patients to seek his consultation. He is lucky in that sense because he needs not prospect his clienteles. Not the agent! He has to be brave to approach the prospective customers outside. Prospective clients who are healthy normal person. The funny part of life here is, the more critically sick you are, the more the doctor could earn from you. We the agents work differently! Before you get sick, we encourage you to stay healthy and active, we motivate you to save while you are in peak form, we inspire you to do well in every way and most important we create the 'peace of mind' while you deal business with us. Our promise to you is, should you fall sick which is unavoidable in life, we rest assure that all your medical expenses shall be paid by us. And if in the event that even the doctor could not save your life, we promise to be the guidances to your family from the little one to the older one.

I think in this world, there is no other profession, other than we the life insurance agents could offer you these promises that i have mentioned. Thanks God! He made me to be a life insurance agent and i am so proud to be one.

My tag line is - "Buy life insurance when you don't need it, coz when you need it, you can't buy."


  1. I was very much confused when I read the title of the post. It also attracts me and forced me to read your post fully. Its an interesting article and I love your positive attitude and wish all agents will do think like you.

  2. Hi Commercial Insurance,

    Thank you for reading my blog.

  3. There are various types of life insurance but they all have some common attributes. You pay an insurance company what are called premiums. At your death, the life insurance company pays an amount to the people you named in your policy, called beneficiaries. Also it's interesting that if you named a beneficiary(ies) they'd receive the insurance amount free of income tax.

  4. Life insurance agent and medical doctor are both professions that require to save lives. The different is doctor saves life of patients who are already sick, whereas agent prevents clients from getting sick. Are you confused? Read on plssssssss.... term life insurance males

  5. Great comparison, Robert! And I agree with the peace of mind a life insurance creates. Although, it's kind of hard to accept, we have to face the fact that life will eventually be taken away from us. But with a life insurance, you are at least secured that the love ones you'll leave behind will be taken care of in the unfortunate event something happened to you.
    - Hershel Duffey @
