Monday, December 06, 2010

Poor but happy.......

I was only a little boy when this story was told to me. Here it goes....

In a small village, lived two families. One was rich with a big house and his neighbour was poor. The rich family children were weak and lazy, whereas the poor family children were strong and active. One day the rich man asked his neighbouring friend, what food did he gave to nourish his children who were full of life all the time. The poor man replied, we could not afford much for the kids. Our regular meals were rice and vegetables only. Every meal was taken when you served yours. Because the smell and aroma of your well cooked food from your kitchen side, gave us the appetite to eat. Hearing this explanation, the rich man was furious. He felt that the neighbour had stolen the best out of his meals from smelling. Leaving nothing for his children to benefit, and thus they were weak and inactive.

Not satisfied, the rich man charged the poor man from stealing without consent. He was brought to the court where the judge listened. Was the poor man found guilty? Yes! The judge fined one thousand dollars on him. For a moment the rich man was over joyed, while the poor man cried for mercy coz he had no money to pay. Out of pity, the judge took out his one thousand dollars all in notes and handled to the poor man. The judge instructed him to count the cash and insisted that he had to count with his voice raised for everyone to hear. So it went like...One hundred, two hundred, three hundred until he reached the one thousand count. The rich man was excited because he could see and hear the counting. After the total count, the judge requested to return the money back to him. Everyone was puzzled, more so would be the rich man who was confused. He asked, isn't the money meant for me your honour. The judge said Yes! He had given you already when you were hearing the counting of the hundred to the thousand. The logic was like he smelling your food when he actually didn't steal and now he didn't physically give you the cash but you took them from him by listening and hearing. Case closed! The poor man was over joyed now and the rich man was frustrated.

Moral of the story. I was taught since young, whether we are rich or poor, the most important factor of life is to be happy and be contented with what we have. You might be the richest person in town but without a happy and contented heart, no food would be tasty to the mouth.

A powerful statement - “He who is contented is rich” - Lao Tzu quotes


  1. cute but on the other hand his kids were still hungry

  2. Hi Cassandra,

    Thank you for reading my blog.

  3. tama ka...mas masrap ang isang plato ng gulay na inihaing may pag-ibig kaysa igang plato ng baka na inihaing may galit.
