Monday, January 03, 2011

Enraged car owner bashes up six-year-old boy

So sad to read this news today....

A SIX-year-old boy who accidentally spat the food in his mouth from his shophouse which landed on a BMW, spent four days in hospital after the car owner became furious and bashed him, reported Harian Metro.

In the incident which occurred on Sunday, the enraged car owner barged into the boy’s house on seeing his soiled car.

The man, in his 30s, hit Solihin Ramzan repeatedly like a possessed man, says Solihin’s uncle Mohd Amir Salamatula.

Mohd Amir, 43, added that during the incident, the boy’s mother was asleep in her room in the upper level of a shophouse in Jalan Batu Belah, Jalan Ipoh, in Kuala Lumpur.

He said Solihin’s aunt, who lives nearby, saw the incident and begged the man to stop but he ignored her and continued landing punches on the boy.

“She even offered herself to be beaten instead, but it did not stop the man from beating the boy.

“Only after Solihin vomited blood did the man stop and leave the house,” Mohd Amir said.

He added that the boy was taken to Selayang Hospital where he was admitted for four days when the doctor confirmed that there was a blood clot in his head.

A report was lodged at the Jinjang police station on Dec 26.

This won't had happened if our world understood this proverb...."Love people, not things; use things, not people " — Spencer W. Kimball


  1. Hi Robert,
    Your Quote for the day is a GOOD one.
    People nowadays are blinded by materials possession and the weak ones are being exploited by the strong ones.
    Why can't people live harmoniously for the benefit of all.

    Best regards,

  2. Hi Wan,

    Yes! you are right. If only the world could have understood this Quote of the day.

  3. I like your thoughts sir

    great blog

    I am a film maker in training and hope to spread an overall message of peace, love, and understanding

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  4. Hi Lincoln,

    You have interesting film there as well. Keep it up. And thank you for reading my blog.

  5. I like this quote...nowadays it's just the OPPOSITE happening in the world. :(

  6. Hi Lynette,

    Thank you for reading my blog
