Friday, February 25, 2011

Too knowledgeable could be prideful....

Tar is a highly educated man who holds a Ph.D in Psychology & English plus six degrees behind him. At 67 he still lectures in these two important subjects, which keeps him fully occupied. Otherwise he would be a boring and lonely man. Reasons he has no love in his heart.

I had a chance to meet him last few days ago when he poured his sorrow and miseries. His daughter was succumbed to cancer and left him two years back. His medical doctor wife and only son are on confrontation with him, though they stay together in one roof. He blamed his wife as selfish, unloving and uncaring. He accused her of inciting hate and fear within the family. He criticised and condemned her for not behaving and living as a responsible wife and mother for his family. The more I listened, the more I felt he is at wrong rather than his wife or the son. He should have realised, when he pointed one finger at them, there were four fingers directing back toward him as well.

I was really surprised when a man who has a doctrine in Psychology could not understand the word of LOVE. The next time when I see him again I would let him know the definition of Love.

Love is patient. Love is kind. It doesn't envy, it doesn't boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love doesn't delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always hopes, always perserves. Love never fails.

I could only say, my friend Tar was blinded by his knowledge and pride. Knowledge and Pride comes with intelligence and usually intelligent person has high ego and self esteem. Thanks God! I might not be as highly educated as him but I am blessed to have the wisdom to understand what is life and love.

Give him sometime, I am sure with my patience I would change his way of thinking. The best policy is to forgive and forget.


  1. Hi Mr. Foo,

    I hope you have a great day!

    In one of your blogs you mentioned that "The greatest achievement for a man is to be able to conquer two women and make them fall in love madly with him passionately. One is a wife and the other is a girl friend. You can even be happier by never allowing these two women to meet. Then you are truly a wonderful happy father and a good lover."

    I wonder where the true love lies. We only have one heart but it sometimes beats to many..if you have to choose whom are you going to let go? (for the sake of true love)and for the sake of your definition about Love. is it the wife or a girlfriend?

    With regards to ur friend Tar...well he is a PhD in Psychology and i understand why he dont know the true meaning of love..becuase love is felt from the heart and not from the brain. That's why god put them separately the brain is in the head full of faculties, he has eyes to see, nose to smell, and ears to listen. But the heart has nothing because it only has feelings no eyes because love is blind, no ears becoz love is deaf no nose becoz love is dumb!

    Manila, Philippines (the paradise of the orient seas)

  2. correction: WHO are you going to let go....

  3. Ulysses is a great name originated since the Latin days with a lot of Greek Literatures behind.

    Because of your powerful personality, i am amazed you could remember all those that i had written before. The good & the bad.

    The first part of your comment was depicting the bad part of me, which is true coz i admit to say i am a very naughty person in nature. Whereas the second part you wrote shows that i have a good and loving heart as well.

    Nobody is perfect. To understand life, one has to experience the up and down of life. Otherwise our mind tends to be one sided in thought only.

    My dear friend there, what you commented are true and practical. Thank you for writing such meaningful comments for us. Equally i'm also learning from a person with so much of wisdom of life.. You.

  4. Hi Anonymous 25 Feb..

    correction: WHO are you going to let go....

    Sorry! my mind isn't working well.
    Didn't understand that sentence.
    Is that a question for me?

    Anyway, thank you for reading my blog.

  5. NO, that's a correction for myself, LOL! sometimes my mind is faster than my fingers..typo error...anyway thank you for considering me as one of your friends and it makes my day so bright!

    Im not saying that you're bad my just looking at the records so that we could understand better our definition of "love". but u play safe in not answering my question "who are youfoing to let go. the wife or a girlfriend (if in case u are in that situation.

    BTW, the Name ulysses is from the epic of HOmer and in most of my novels, poems and short stories and even in my blogs i use the pet name HOMER. but in your case i want to use my real name. why is that so? because in reading your blogs i consider everything as reality.

  6. An intelligent man might keep one, a smarter man keeps two without creating confusion and complication between the two ladies he loves. I think i am intelligent and smart.
