Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Passion is better than threat.

There are three ways to make someone learn. The best is to offer your heart, next could be incentives and the worst is to apply threat.

Is sad to know some of my fellow agencies have to apply threat, forcing their agents to attend agency meetings. Meetings and trainings are important to educate and to motivate agents to sell successfully. However due to poor attendance, agents are compelled to pay penalties for not turning up in their weekly meetings. Surprisingly even with such threats enforced, there are still many agents not afraid to pay their fines.

Though I 'm not involved with their agency arrangement, I personally think these agency managers concern have to excess themselves first. A good and highly inspiring manager needs not persuade his teams to attend his talk but rather his qualities and success alone would motivate his men to come naturally. Unless this manager has no real substance and quality of himself, perhaps offering genuine incentives to attract his people to come would definitely be better than to threaten his men. I guess these forceful managers might not even know their weaknesses and defects. By pushing their authorities and enforcing strict rules are not the ideal way to educate and motivate selling of life insurance.

Selling life insurance is a passion. One has to be committed to excel in this career, he has to work with the heart and not the mind alone to demonstrate his temper and anger to succeed. Whether you are an agent or an agency manager, the love has to be true and sincere.

Specially for my fellow colleagues
-"You never achieve success unless you like what you are doing" — Dale Carnegie

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