Monday, June 06, 2011

Getting marry.. The Past & The Present

Forty years ago life was like this for a couple ...Marriage, children, house and car.

Today is the opposite.. car would come first, then a house, baby and marriage. No woman is prepared to take a man's date if he hasn't got a vehicle. No in laws are agreeable to a couple's wedding if the man has no house of his own. Unless accidentally the naughty man pregnant the girlfriend. Then the celebration of getting marry would be on. Last weekend, I attended a friend son's wedding dinner. The bride is seven months pregnant carrying a twin in her and the in law cannot refuse this marriage. Smart of the son because he has no house and yet he could get a free ride home with a wife and a twin in hand.

I like this saying -
"What a happy and holy fashion it is that those who love one another should rest on the same pillow" ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne

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