Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Man is shy to see themselves on mirror....

Do you know why woman is more attractive than man? I know! Because they love looking at themselves all the time. Check with all ladies, they bound to carry a small mirror in their handbags wherever they go. In between a gap, they like looking at their faces to make sure they are looking good all the time. In the morning, they spend time to beautify their entire physical. I mean from top to bottom. If your girlfriend excuses herself to the toilet, please allow more time for her. Why? Because the big mirror in the toilet would capture her attention again.

Not man! Most men are afraid to stare at themselves too long in front of a mirror. They might take a glimpse of their portrait but they are scared to look face to face at themselves. Women smile a lot at themselves. The smile is like an acknowledgement of their own beauty. From their heart they say, "Hey girl! You look so pretty there. I love you". If you disagree with me as a man, please try yourself to see whether is true. Look in front of the mirror now, and see whether you darn to talk to yourself. I bet with you, most are afraid!

I guess on an average of more than 20 times per day, from morning to late night, ladies might be seeing their faces on mirror. Man! Shit! I think is less than 5 times a day. However those gentlemen who are brave to admire their look on mirror are usually the aggressive one. Like me lah! Believe me! I say hello to myself each morning when I wash my face. I challenge myself on mirror that the day is going to be exciting and interesting. I never fail to look at myself again in the car, because I want to make sure my hairdo is neat and trim. Each time I visit the public toilets, I smile at the mirror of that handsome young man in front. The feel good feeling is always there.

A tip to all my male readers. If you are not confidence to see yourself on mirror, you would also lack the confidence to see others. The first person you have to conquer is still yourself. Don't be shy to talk to yourself because the person in front of you on mirror is considered your best friend. If woman can do it, we can do it as well.

A funny proverb says -
“It's all the mirror, mirror on the wall because beauty is power the same way money is power the same way a gun is power” - Chuck Palahniuk quotes


  1. Good morning, Robert...
    Well, I agree with you that men don't usually see ourselves in the mirror as often as women...
    But that does not mean that men are less confident..
    I don't look into it because I am confident that I still look good since washed up every morning...
    However, I do believe that some men have that "don't bother" attitude about their look and presentation, and that really makes me wonder WHY...
    Have a GREAT Day, Robert!

  2. Hi Wan,

    I am too glad to see you here on comment again. You are almost like a mirror to me. When things i could not see, you see better for me. Thank you for writing what you could see here.

  3. Man is shy to see themselves on mirror

    Correction: Man is shy to see himself on the mirror.

    Well, there is no harm in staring ourselves in front of the mirror, neither not seeing ourselves at all. Confidence must come within looks are only add on..
    have a great day Robert :)


  4. Hi Ulysses,

    Those men who are not shy to see themselves on the mirror, are usually the brave one. Like you and me, who aren't afraid to write on blogs and to comment on them as well.

    The way you wrote reveals that u are truly a gentleman who has all the confidence i admire.

    Thank you for coming back again.

  5. yesterday i met a doctor, very special dr, before he treats me, i glimpse my eyes seeing he is looking in to the mirror, like checking himself. so funny. maybe to gain confident..hehehhe what a cute handsome dr. xoxo

  6. Hi Bunga Emas,

    You are right. He just wanted to look good by seeing himself again.
