Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I don't work but rather I'm having fun....

Tesh is my God daughter who just came back here for a summer vacation. She asked me whether I'm going to work tomorrow. I said No! I'm not working but rather is going to have fun and see who are those who are unlucky to be disturbed by me tomorrow. She was puzzled as she is only 16 and still growing.

This was my explanation. To be working for more than 40 years with the same job might be difficult and boring. Thanks God! I love my career so much as an agent selling life insurance, when today my work is almost like my hobby to me. Talking is my interest and selling insurance allows me to talk endlessly. Everyday is an exciting day because there are many clients or friends who might be seeking my advices in all matters. I have a patience ear and an understanding mind which can be so helpful to all those I'm going to meet. On top of it, with my naughtiness and playfulness in heart and soul, I know everyone would bound to laugh and be happy whenever I humour them. Tesh! Believe me I don't consider myself as actually working but rather is having all my fun and joy to be serving my clients and friends. I enjoy every moment of my time spend with the world.

My personal advices to my dear Tesh. Do what you love most and you would do it well. Be it your studies or on your daily life. I hope you would achieve all your endeavours in future and good luck to you.

I love this saying -
"I am a very lucky man. I am living my life with my hobby as my profession" - Jim Sullivan

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