Friday, July 01, 2011

The secret of staying young....

Most people asked me, "What is the secret of staying young?" Simple! Live a rounded life, be cheerful, contended and have all the humour to make others laugh and smile.

I like the number 60 because once you reach the age of 60 without getting these two common sicknesses of high blood and diabetes, very likely you would be a healthy person. A healthy person is one who is active and appreciate the beauty of sex. Otherwise life could be quite meaningless, especially for the man.

Since I'm in the life insurance business, my experiences tell me that most people who neglect and abuse their body are usually in their thirties and forties. The causes are usually due to over eating, no exercise, drinking too much, over womanizing, lack of rest, stressful work and family problems. So! By the time they reach the fifties, they have all kind of illnesses. Sex? Forget it! Dicky cannot be erected and pussy has no interest. Haha!!!

The few who could reach 60 without all those nonsense habits are the responsible one. The discipline and the right habitual lifestyle allow these senior veterans to enjoy life until the end. Me! I eat everything moderately and take a bit of fine wine with the right company. I'm still naughty as ever, whereas all my classmates have already retired with nothing to look forward to in life. So sad! Some had left to another peaceful world elsewhere too.

Imprinted on my name card I wrote.... The Seven Rules to be happy: 1. Never hate 2. Don't worry 3. Live simple 4. Expect a little 5. Give a lot 6. Always smile 7. Have friends like Robert Foo.


  1. Hi Robert,
    You are one marvellous man I have ever known...
    Your phillosophy of happy living is just too great and challenging...
    Thanks for your reminder the other day...
    Have a wonderful weekend....

  2. Hi Wan,

    Was away during the weekend Wan. Thank you for such nice compliment. I hope you have solved your problem at home. Call me if you need further help. Okay?
