Thursday, September 08, 2011

Money can buy love.....

They said Love is blind but I think Money blind even more. Don't believe read the news please.

A PUB singer from China has declared that Singaporean men are “arrogant, short and ugly” but she would marry one of them for their money, reported China Press.

The daily quoted The New Paper report which interviewed Zhang Miao Yu, 26, from Zi'an, China, who has been working in the republic for the past five months.

Zhang felt Singaporean men were “arrogant and short” and not as handsome as men from China. But she said she still wanted to marry a Singaporean.

She felt the men might be workaholics but they would “compensate” her by giving lavish gifts and take her out in expensive cars.

A dating company supervisor said foreign women would criticise Singaporean men but they would still marry a Singaporean because of the financial stability such a union offered them.

He added that many women did not mind being mistresses as long as the men were rich.

Can this quote be true -“Money is not the most important thing in the world. Love is. Fortunately, I love money.”


  1. Dear Robert,
    Eveyone loves money.
    But true love has no price tag.
    So how on earth can money buy love?
    And if you ever think you can buy love,
    You have certainly been fooled!!!

    Because :
    Money can only buy pseudo love!!

  2. Dear Robert,
    Eveyone loves money.
    But true love has no price tag.
    So how on earth can money buy love?
    And if you ever think you can buy love,
    You have certainly been fooled!!!

    Because :
    Money can only buy pseudo love!!

  3. Hi Anonymous,

    Thank you for reading my blog. I'm not fooled but rather i'm learning.

  4. Hi Robert My dear,
    Thank you. We all learn 'From cradle to the grave' Superfast @ the cradle, gets slower as one nears the grave! Good day.

  5. Hi Anonymous 14 Sept,

    I believe you are the same anonymous, a lady who speaks and thinks well.

  6. Hi my dear Robert,
    I am the Anonymous, the X-Factor lady. You are indeed a special Gentleman who can detect the scent of a lady, even through her writings. Thank you for the nice articles in your Blog. Keep it up Robert!

  7. Hi my dear Anonymous,

    As long as you keep reading my blog, it would be a joy for me to write. Sharing is caring.
