Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Humiliation makes one stronger....

An incident I won't forget...

It was a rookie's nite when I first qualified for the company yearly sales award thirty years ago. I had a chance to mix freely with all the top sellers and I was excited to meet the President of our prestigious Star Club. The President is one who achieved the highest sales of the year. Hearing so much of The President's position and glamour, I was eager and keen to meet up and shake his hand. Seeing him from far, I took up the courage to approach this great insurance agent, hoping I could rub shoulder with him. He was laughing and drinking with many of his friends. Upon reaching him, I introduced myself and congratulated him for his achievement.

In between our conversation, I asked him this question... "Mr President! Can you share one of your finest point to be a good life insurance agent?"

A deep thought was in his mind. With a loud tune he said, "Drink my glass of whisky and I would tell you my secret!!"

I thought he was joking. Politely I told him I am a non drinker but I'm prepared to undertake other requests and obligations.

Sounded unhappily he continued to say.."How can you be a life insurance agent when you don't drink. All my buddies are drinkers. If you want to be my buddy you have to drink my whisky here. Or let me pour this glass of whisky over your head as a non drinker!!!"

Everyone around him was giggling and bursting with laughter over me. They shouted, "Drink! Drink! Drink!" Rookie!!!"

I was firm with my words, insisting that I am a non drinker. Since The President gave me two choices, one to bottom up his glass of whisky or to let him pour the whisky over my head. I chose the latter bravely. The next second without hesitation, The Man I respected so much before I met him, really poured the full glass of expensive alcohol over my head. Together with his friends and colleagues, they were laughing over at my stupidity and foolishness. Yes! I was humiliated and insulted. The President was enjoying his fun and he didn't share his wisdom either.

Little did they know, that particular humiliation made me even stronger and more determined in my career. I reminded myself I have to be self reliance, independence and motivated at all time. I promised myself, I will never be like those selfish, unscrupulous and unfriendly agents who would take advantage of the weak. Thanks to The Universe, the unseen force has assisted me to retain my career for the past thirty years successfully. I have my belief... "The mind grows by taking in, but the heart grows by giving out." I choose to serve rather than to be served. Those bunch of drinkers are no longer to be seen in our company too.


  1. nice one, mr robert.....''No pain, no gain..''....have a nice day ahead.... From, raj

  2. Hi Slowlybutsurely,

    Thank for reading my blog.

  3. Hi Raj,

    Well said! No pain! No Baby! Otherwise you and me won't be around on earth.

  4. can i click 100 times 'like' here?


  5. Hi Michelle,

    You are most welcome my dear. Do it with a sincere heart and I would be able to sense and feel them. Thank you for the support.
