Friday, December 09, 2011

Be generous in paying....

Selling tips...

One of the finest point of being a most likable salesperson is to be a generous and a willing bills payer. I have been a habitual payer whenever I go out to dine and drink with friends. I always made it a practice to feel proud and honour to feed the bills, no matter who are with me when we are out. As long as I could afford the amount, I would attempt to take the initiative to pay first. Sometime I might even instruct the waiter or the cashier of the restaurant that I'm the host who is responsible to pay for the final billing, even before our food is served. My sincerity and generosity of being a willing spender for my guests could always be felt and appreciated. You might say some could be taking an advantage over my generosity, but as long as I could make my friends happy, I would still continue to pay these bills without any ill thought over them. I always tell my clients... When you allow me to pay the food bills, indirectly you are giving me value and respect. These value and respect inspire me to do well in my career. Thank you for letting me pay this little amount to entertain you.

Generosity quote - "We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love" - Mother Teresa

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