Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ladies like bargaining in shopping.

Shirley is one my Philippine's relative. A great grand lady of 72 years young, who likes shopping as her hobby. During the Xmas she was on holiday in Shanghai visiting my son, and currently she is staying in Singapore where her daughter stays. She is away from Manila for more than a month and yet not bored. Perhaps after the Chinese New Year she might go back to her own home. 

On the phone I chatted with her. Tell me what makes your holiday interesting. She wasn't shy to say.. Shopping  keeps me alive. I love shopping in Singapore, China and Malaysia, the places where are I could bargain my purchases. Each time when I shop, I'm thrilled to bargain for the price that suits my taste and satisfaction. One has to be skillful and experience in bargaining. You need to know the qualities and values of the products before you could negotiate for the right prices.You have to be witty and confidence with those sales promoters. You have to be patience and choosy before agreeing to the final pricing. The bottom line is to be the winner. Buy the lowest price with the highest value.

Wow! See! Ladies are always greater shoppers than men. I don't think I could be like Shirley who finds bargaining as exciting and interesting. I paid what they asked for, cause I feel shameful to ask for the discount.For the gentlemen who read..  Would you agree with me?

This is true fact... "Shopping is a woman thing.  It's a contact sport like football.  Women enjoy the scrimmage, the noisy crowds, the danger of being trampled to death, and the ecstasy of the purchase" ~ Erma Bombeck


  1. Hahahahahaha I totally agree with her shopping is like a drug =D though i cant bargain :(

  2. Hi Aliza,

    I thought most ladies are like her. So you aren't. Why?

  3. Some ladies don't bargain. It's either they fear about their reputation or they are introvert. They feel bargaining is kinda being in fish market. Introvert ladies whom are the 'strict feminine' type believes in four rules,'eat like a lady, sit like a lady, walk like a lady and talk like a lady'. They think bargaining is like talking loud like guy and getting what you want in the end. Well, I studied in Convent school, and my principal always stress on the four rules. So, most of us are not good enough in bargaining:)

  4. Hi Adel,

    Interesting comment. May I posted it tomorrow for everyone to read.

    Wow! So you were from the Convent School. Good school. My boy school was next to another Convent School in KL. My first girlfriend, the one partner who danced very well, was from that Convent too. The Convent groomed countless great ladies. You must be one of them.

  5. Thank you fr the compliments. Your dance partner must be someone very feminine yet strong, like Michelle Obama... :)

  6. Hi Adel,

    My dance partner was truly a feminine lady. Later I lost to a great gentleman while I was like a gangster boy to her. Through the years, I matured to be a better gentleman myself now. Wondering where this grand mummy is currently!!!
