Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Selling tips...

Is a brand new year to start our selling again. I'm sure everyone of us is excited to go out to meet our clients or prospects. With a cheerful smile and clothed with the new dresses that we recently bought, we definitely look smart and presentable. Yes! You might have an admirable personality to impress the people you meet, what about your personal hygiene. Many would not have known that they have bad breath and  body odour.

We talk too much and eat too much. Without realising we have bad breath and our clients would be uncomfortable with our lengthy discussion. We travel and move around extensively, and most of the time under the heat. This causes our body to sweat, and heavy sweating develops odour within our body system. Perhaps you might not even know your mouth smells and your body stinks. In order for the clients to avoid you, they might as well say 'No' to your sales. They reject you not because they aren't buying, rather they cannot tolerate your uncomfortable smell.

Solution... Check with your loved one whether your personal hygiene is manageable. If is in a severe condition, please consult a doctor for treatment. Otherwise always keep a mouth freshener spray and an underarm deodorant spray with you for a standby need. 

All sales are concluded with a pleasant smell all round. Think about it my fellow colleagues!

Fact of life - "Feelings are like chemicals, the more you analyze them the worse they smell" - Charles Kingsley quotes

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