Saturday, March 24, 2012

Don't dwell over the past....

Something to learn....

A wise man once sat in the audience & cracked a joke. 
All laughed like crazy. After a moment he cracked the same joke again and a little less people laughed this time. 
He cracked the same joke again & again, When there was no laughter in the crowd, he smiled and said  

"When u can't laugh on the same joke again & again, then why do u keep crying over the same thing over and over again. 

'Forget the past & move on'… 


  1. This is very true, Mr Robert. Life must go on. Life is a learning process. Learn from the mistakes. For me, pain is a great teacher in life. Thanks for the wonderful post Mr Robert. I keep on reading your blog everyday without fail Mr Robert. By the way, have a nice day ahead. Enjoy your life. Take care. From raj.

  2. I was thinking of asking you to post something motivational about life. The materialistic world makes you more stressful, for you to survive this situations, you need spiritual help and some motivation. Nice post, Thank you. Have a blessed Saturday!

  3. Hi Raj,

    I'm glad you are picking those things I wrote here. Keep the good one and throw away the bad stuffs. Okay?

  4. Hi Adel,

    The world is a nice place to live. Have fun along the way and don't take things too seriously.

  5. Hi Not Lonely,

    Must had caught your lonely heart here. Right?
