Thursday, March 29, 2012

Father is spending million on son's wedding....

Was trying to meet another great friend, Dato Z this morning. Apparently he was busy and he suggested to call him after June. On checking with this successful self made man, who has made his millions by himself, he is currently preparing his eldest son's wedding. Casually I asked him, Dato when you got marry 30 years ago, did your dad arranged the marriage for you. He said No! Everything was done and paid by me.

Ahhhh! What a world is now? Last two weeks when I attended another Dato son's wedding dinner, he spent almost a million for that function. This Dato was never born rich, his father was working as a plantation worker. It was his studies and hard work, that churned him to be rich and powerful. Today Dato Z walked almost the same path like him, to be rich and famous. Both their children have just completed their studies abroad and have never experienced to work for others yet. From reliable sources, Dato Z could be spending two millions on his son's entire function and preparation. I really can't imagine how lucky their children are! 

At the same time, I am wondering whether it's good and benefiting for these sons who have not proven their lives's value yet, but yet they have the opportunities to taste the rich life of living. Looking back at myself, I was like my two great friends, who had to work and save before we could get marry ourselves. The hardship and endurance of the yesteryear, moulded us to be strong and resilience to all weathers of today. Whereas today, the rich fathers are spending the millions to marry their children away. In kind they are flowering them with happiness and blessing, hoping the glamour and attraction would motivate and inspire them to do well. Whether it works, time could only tell. I open my sight to see the future ahead. The learning process is wisdom.

Food for thought - "A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty"~Author Unknown

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