Friday, March 02, 2012

What is a good pussy?

Wow! Yesterday's posting, "She is still a virgin" captured much attention. There was heavy traffic over to this title from every where. I guess naughty title has plenty of effect. Though good things could be good but playful things could be even tempting to read.

I like this truthful comment...
Adel said... 
At some point of my life, I thought of staying single forever, due to many problems that arises in a relationship. As now all ladies are educated, they ask to be treated equally. Not like those time where they always nod to what the husband says. But now, Robert, you opened my eyes! To make me see frm a different angle. Yes, you are right, singles are selfish in a way, and fear of difficulties in married life and motherhood.They 'run away' from problems..Its human norm or law, to live as a daughter, a wife, and a mother. Thank you 
March 1, 2012 11:04 AM

Another shy female reader who didn't darn to forward her comment on my blog, wrote personally to me. 
She said...
Hi Robert. Read yr blog 2day. Think in my tombstone when I go back 2 heaven, it will read Return Unopened. Haha..:-) of course I will give this pleasure gift 2 my husband, not 2 any tom, dick or harry. U r wrong.

From my early religious teaching, I was taught God gave happiness to Adam by creating Eve. She had something that Adam didn't have. And The Garden of Paradise alone couldn't make the lonely man excited and joyful. Similarly today all men without women, life would definitely be uninteresting and unchallenged. With the creation of the tempting pussy cat, all wild men could be tamed. Man and man could fight and to conquer but with the pussies we are prepared to listen and to follow. A good pussy is one who would love and lead her partner. Though she is smarter than him, she loves him by not over shadow his glory. She inspires and motivates him at all time, be it at difficult or challenging time. She is patience and has all the tolerance to listen to her mate. She is kind and willing to share with him. She has no envy over his achievement but rather be proud of his success. She is not rude but gentle and soft playing along. She would not be easily angered but has all the charm and sexiness to flower him. Yes! The man would abide and oblige because the tenderness of the pussy is so sweet and unforgettable. This is true love that would last forever.

The famous proverb that said... "For every successful man, there is a woman behind", I have to add " For every successful man, there is a woman with a good pussy behind".

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