Monday, March 05, 2012

Who is my ideal love?

I played guardian to a family without a father. Bryan and Bell had lost their father 10 years ago, due to a heart attack The boy is currently 22 and his sister is 19. They were lucky because their single mother works as a teacher took loving care on them. Last Sunday I had an interesting morning breakfast with the entire family. The mother requested me to talk with them because I hadn't seen them for two years. 

My favourite topic was discussed... Love & Romance.

The son is in his final year with a local University and the daughter is still doing her O-level. Both don't have lover yet. Except the girl who is sexy and attractive, has many male admirers at the moment. Mum is a bit worried over her dear girl. To the son, I encouraged him to do well in his studies and later get a good career. He can mix freely but try not to be serious with any girlfriend. The best time to fall in love could be after 30 years of age or even later. Is always ideal for a man to be older than a woman. Don't be afraid to see a different of 10 years apart. An older man is more knowledgeable and wiser, allowing him to lead and guide his mate. Not forgetting women age faster than men. So if you had a much younger wife later, you should be able to see her young forever. Sight is faster than hearing and the eyes always deceive the mind. As long as the wife is much younger in age, the eyes of the man would see the woman as young till the end. Son! Don't have to rush to fall in love now. As you are only 22 today, perhaps your ideal lady is only 12 at the moment. So! Wait for another 10 years before you locate your love.

As for the daughter, I encouraged her to mix freely with as many friends as possible. Don't stick to the same age group. Be brave to meet those who are even 10 years your senior. You might think a man who is 30 years of age could be old to you, but if you allow him to share his mind, you would definitely see the power and intelligence of him. An older man has more patience, is more understanding, more caring and willing to serve. If you ever could find such a man, please give him a chance to fall in love with you. The best and ideal time for a girl to get marry is not exceeding 30 years of age.

To prove that man is always younger than woman, I sat close to their mother with one arm over her shoulder. I asked them who has the older look, mother or me. Both children replied, we look like the same age. For their information, their mother is 53 and the naughty man here is 64. They could not believe it. Well! That's the facts of life.

Something I learned - "I like men who have a future and women who have a past" - Oscar Wide quotes


  1. Hi Not Lonely,

    So! Don't rush yourself to fall in love. I believe you could be still studying.

  2. Hello Sir,

    I think those are some wise thoughts you shared with the two young kids and with us as well. But I also would like to add that the young woman could definitely make an attractive wife, but not always a wise lady. Its just something I learnt from seeing people, so what you said is right for a man who does'nt mind the inner beauty. And I also know that maturity comes with life's experiences, but not with age. So there also could be men and women who would be more thoughtful about things at a younger age in comparison with the age old guys.

  3. Hi Elvirah,

    What you said is truly correct. You have a meaningful tagline on your blog... "Live it beautifully, learning from life's experiences". Thank you for this wonderful comment my dear.
