Monday, April 09, 2012

Man... Is virginity important till marriage?

Is Virginity important to you? I mean when you know your girlfriend or your wife isn't a virgin, would you feel upset over it! Asking the older generation, most claimed they are. They felt their women had betrayed them. However the younger people really don't mind about it. I think not Raj who is my regular reader and I'm sure he is a young fellow, would wish his lover is a virgin. 

What about me? Perhaps when I was a young man, I would like my lover to be a virgin too. But through the years when I have gathered much understanding of life, a virgin might not make a perfect lover. A virgin could have never experienced contact with another man! A virgin might have never fallen in love before. A virgin is one who has never attempted intimacy or sexual relationship with the opposite sex.

To me, a most understanding and a lovable woman, is one who has gone through life. A life when she has to experience mistakes and to face obstacles. It's the mistakes she learns and the obstacles offer her challenges. Though she might suffer in pain when her loves were rejected or even cheated, she became stronger and more matured as she grows. The past lovers could be considered as her teachers who taught her to be better lover for the right man who comes finally in her life. 

Gentleman! Are you aware that a virgin could never be a good sexual partner. Reason is simply she knows nothing on bed yet. Right? So why cry when you find that your girl isn't a virgin then? Be happy lah! 

Food for thought - "I slept with faith and found a corpse in my arms on awakening: I drank and danced all night with doubt and found her a virgin in the morning" - Aleister Crowley quotes


  1. Hi Robert, can i ask you something?. What will you do if you got to know that your lover already slept with more than 20 mans before you. Will you still accept her as your lover??. From raj

  2. Hi Raj,

    Good question there.

    "Sleeping with 20 men" or "Had fallen in love 20 times" is two different matter. If my lover had failed in love 20 times with 20 different men, and could change to be a better lady today, from deep down my heart I would still except her. The past isn't any more important to me. The present is.

    An intelligent man might not be able to accept my view but a man who has wisdom could... young man.

    In everything, be it in knowledge or love experiences, one needs to make mistakes to learn.

    Perhaps you have to be older to understand me. Thank you for reading this title again.

  3. What will you do if you got to know she slept with 20 men before?. Will you stay with her or leave her.. From raj

  4. Hi Raj,

    A man who truly loves a woman, won't really bother about the past of his lover. What matter most is the present of whether the both couple could stay lovingly with understanding and caring for each other. Yes! I will stay and love her till death.

    Now my turn to ask... if a man had slept 20 times with different women before, should a new woman lover still loves and stays with him?

  5. It's good to know that you do not discriminate women and think from their side, too, Robert.

  6. i Robert, based on your question i think the women need to leave the guy if he hides the truth from her. If she got to know from her frens that he used to slept with lot of women before, i think the best thing is to leave the guy. We need to think from girls side too, this is not fair for her. As wat you said Mr Robert, the past isn't any more important you. The present is.Wat you said is very true Mr Robert. For me, virgin or not virgin is something not very crucial in life. The most important is the trust and love. If my gf is not virgin and she hides the truth from me, i might leave her Mr Robert. But if she tells the truth before couple up i will accept her as my lover. Because in relationship you must trust your partner and be a very truthfully person. By the way, very nice blog Mr Robert. Keep on writing. Have a nice day ahead. Tc . From raj

  7. Hi Adel,

    I love woman more than man.

  8. Hi Raj,

    You seemed to be getting more mature now. Thank you for all your truthful comments.
