Thursday, April 19, 2012

Men's morning erection....

Henry is an old veteran runner in our club. I had seen him running everyday without fail in our gym. He could be on the treadmill running non stop for two hours beating all the younger members there. Lately I didn't see him around.  On checking with the members, I was told he fell three times on difference occasions while exercising inside the gym. The last fall was quite bad, when he hit something, had a concussion and bleeding furiously on the head. He was admitted immediately.

Few days ago, I was happy to see him in the club again. Though he had lost some weight, he was still cheerful and looked normal to me. As an additive runner, he finds it difficult to stop running totally. Doctors who examined him, could not find the fault either. It could be low pressure when he was running that led him to fall, or ageing could have caught in him. However he still insisted to continue to run, but with a more careful and slower pace.

Since I'm older than him by three years, and as an older brother I would like to give him my personal attention and advices. The best way to determine whether Henry could continue to exercise and to run on the machine, I asked him this sensitive question. "May I know whether your little brother down there could still have morning erection currently?" For the simple minded readers, little brother is the penis. Henry wasn't shy at all, he replied with an instant Yes! Strong as ever he claimed.

A normal healthy male adult, immaterial of what age, would definitely have erection in the early morning. The erection indicates that the man is strong and normal in every sense. Unless the man is sick and not healthy, he would never have this erection because his physical is weak. Why I could tell you this simple logic, is because I never fail to have my morning erection too. Age is not the factor. As long as one knows how to take care his body, his mind and heart, the erection could still be strong as ever. Yes! Henry my great friend, you can continue to run as much as you like coz I termed you as healthy and normal to me. Congratulation!

Have a laugh - "God gave men a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time" - Robin Williams quotes.


  1. Good morning, Robert.
    You quote of the day really makes a difference....
    Have a wonderful day with all your Darlings...

  2. Hi Wan,

    To satisfy all the darlings in one day isn't easy.

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