Thursday, April 12, 2012

A third generation's sale...

Today is such a wonderful day because a couple had effected a plan for their new born. Arina and Edris are both my clients. Edris's late father was also my client, who passed away almost 20 years ago. The sweet little baby girl is called Sara who touched my heart. She has the resemblance of the grand father.

Twenty years ago when the late father passed away due to a severe heart attack, his four sons were still studying. It was the timely life insurance that took care of the family financial. The home mortgages and the children studies were well taken care. And I was the proud insurance agent who was behind the claim, making sure that all payments were fulfilled. When Edris who is the third son, graduated and finally gained employment, made no hesitation to buy policies from me few years ago. Along the way his girl friend, later became his wife, was also my client. Selling this baby's plan is called a third generation's sale. Meaning, from grand parents to the grand children, all the various covers are sold by one single agent faithfully representing one company.

To be a three generation's agent, one has to be different. The main factors are loyalty, trust, love, passion and most important the drive must still remains. Why I say drive is important, is because when one is ageing... to stay healthy, youthful, full of enthusiasm, fun and willing to strive for the extra miles could be difficult. Thanks to the Almighty, HE blesses me with all these unique charm and qualities. I will try to sell the 4th generation's sale.

Bob Moawad
Quality begins on the inside... and then works its way out.


  1. Well Done, Robert.
    I am proud of you...
    There are a lot more I gotta learn from you....
    Have a great day...

  2. Hi you are back here Wan,

    Keep reading and I'm sure you will see and learn much more.

  3. Hi Robert,
    I am always here...
    Always have your blog-post as breakfast unless I am away from office...
    Thanks Robert for sharing with all of us...

  4. Hi Robert,
    I am always here...
    Always have your blog-post as breakfast unless I am away from office...
    Thanks Robert for sharing with all of us...

  5. Hi Wan,

    Talking is my hobby and blogging is my passion.

  6. Hello Robert,
    From your article, you look like a really genuine insurance agent who cares for his customer. Allow me to share an experience. Some 30 years ago, an insurance agent befriended me. Through the years, we develop a good friendship. He sold me a few plans, the last just before my retirement. Now, after that the phone calls stopped, though we are still connected by email. No more coffee get together. This same thing happened with another agent of mine from a different ins co. This showed me clearly the true strategy of an ins agent. Come in as friends, gain trust, sell as much as you can, and slowly get out and start again with a new customer!!?? Its hard to really get true frindship without money in it??

  7. And the more experience they gained, the better is their acting to gain your trust and accept him as a family friend. While all the time he actually see you as a source of income, nothing more! No different from other salesmen who sells other products 'for your benefits!' But I m quite sure Robert is the really rare kind in the industry! Your comments please!

  8. Hi Anonymous,

    You are truly right. The world is full of different types of people, the bad & the good, or the sincere and the non sincere type.

    Most salesperson works the same, especially the young one. They are driven by incentives. Without the carrots, they can't hardly moved.

    They don't sell with just love alone. They might not even know the true meaning of what is love. But for sure they know what is money. Can't really blame them. The companies they represent and the agency managers that work along with them, all insist the result from the agents.

    I have been selling for the past 44 years. The first half of my career was basically was also for the cash return. Today I sell because I love talking and selling insurance allows me to talk endlessly. Thanks God I am an life insurance agent.

    And thank you for reading my post. Whoever you are, have fun with the world and life would be merrier.

    1. Thank you Robert. It is interesting to note that even you adopted the strategy for 22 long years, for the cash! Lucky for your customers you finally made the transition! Most never did! Sad thing for others' customers..?

  9. Hi Anonymous,

    All of us have to learn the mistakes in life. So sad! Most don't.

    After all, "Mistakes are our teachers!" Is high time, I have to share my experiences on my blog, Wisdom of Life.

    1. Dear Robert,
      Yes I agree .. Mistakes are excellent teachers, and mistakes (same) must not be repeated. I sincerely hope that you as a sifu now in this industry will teach the younger ones not to repeat. I always believe that any less than
      being truthful will sooner or later be discovered ! Truth breeds goodness even with less profits but eventually with bigger vol of customers. Thanks Robert for teaching your fans and students who look up to you as an oustanding insurance agent.

  10. Would love to have My dear Robert's further views. I hope what I said is ok. Thank you.

  11. Hello my dear Robert! Where are you? Are you still there?. I look fwd to your views...

  12. Hi Anonymous,

    So sorry could not come back to you earlier. Was on a short holiday with little darling.

    The saying goes.. Truth always prevail. And I like your addition too... Truth breeds goodness.

    Your comments here are so meaningful. May I post them on my next posting for others to read as well?

  13. Dear Robert,
    If you think it of any use to post it, Please go ahead. I have great respect in your judgement.

  14. Hi Anonymous,

    Thank you so much. Will post it tomorrow.
