Thursday, May 31, 2012

Personal Accidental Insurance is good for you.

Selling tips...

Dr Lee had been paying his Personal Accident Insurance premium for many years, covering his life for One Million. On expiring recently he refused to renew, giving reasons as he seldom travel outside. Being a medical doctor who has his clinical practice, his exposure to accident is nil... That was what he claimed.

Not to argue much with a defensive client I had to agree with him. Anyway I suggested some interesting suggestion to him. I said.. Why not let me pay this premium of one thousand ringgit  for you instead. On renewal every year I will also continue to pay. Dr was amazed! Promptly he wanted to know the reason behind.

My proposal to him... If you agree, then please assign this PA insurance to my name. By assigning to me, I will have the full right over the benefits. In the event if an accidental death happen to you, the one million goes to me. Or if by accident, either one eye goes blind, or either one limb or one arm broke, or for any reason total disability occurred, the same one million will be claimable by my good self. Well! Since you don't need this PA any longer and the premium is considered cheap cause of the promotional sales given, why not let me benefit this cover then. I looked at his eyes without saying further.

Took him awhile to respond to this suggestion. He said "Sorry Robert, I think I want to continue the PA".

Moral of the story: Facing fear he could not take chances. Most people are selfish and are unwilling to let other benefit. 

Food for thought - "Better a thousand times careful than once dead" ~ Proverb


  1. i got a grin on my face after reading this... for sure you are a mind reader and you know how to work with others... wow the answers that you made up that instant,i don't have a clue where those came from...

    are you mean it?? or is that a trick??

    yeah your quotes always ended up in higher i like that short always it gives the summery of the story...

    i'm just amazed... wow you are a walking encyclopedia..

    i'm gamiya(ගැමියා) my actual name is "thilina shmaika wijethunga"

    this is my blog but you will never understand a word i'm sorry for that i'm willing to start blogging in English as soon as i could

  2. Hi Young man,

    I still prefer to call you Gamiya coz its easier to remember. That name sounds great to me too.

    What I wrote are truly from my heart. I could think fast and reply instantly because I use the left and right mind at the same time. Left mind is the logical brain and the right is the creative one. Most people only use the left. I had also written on this subject before on my blog.

    At the same time, I have a third eye which can see in depth. It takes years of experience in life to acquire it.

    Good! Create another Blog of yours in English and I'm sure you can contribute your thoughts there.

    Btw... What profession are you in currently?

  3. hi Mr.robert

    sure the experiences can't sell or buy but however you can teach us those experience through your writing skills i must say it's easy to read and understand.... that's why i'm always reading this.i tried to read past posts but there are too many...however i'll read them out soon.such a fast writer....

    i have gone through so many troubles to stand where i am now...i had broken my back and i have to lay in a bed nearly for a year... that's when i start to read blogs.i need to get a wisdom for my own life...i lost 2 years of my study and i'm working hard to get those years back....

    i'm currently studying for advance level examination in sri lanka and at the same time i'm doing computer engineering foundation course at our open university....

    i'm gamiya

  4. Hi young man,

    Life is a journey, take it as a challenge and enjoy riding on it. Learn from your mistakes and know your strength. Good luck to you my friend.
