Monday, May 21, 2012

Smile first before anything.....

I had a chance to talk to a senior citizen who always jogs over the hilly tracks. His eyes shine and his face looks cheerful. Offering my compliment to this veteran I said, "The constant running must have helped to maintain your peak form. Being so healthy, your smile is so sweet and nice".

Immediately he replied, "Let me correct you. Not the running that helps me to smile. Is the smiling that helps me to run and stay healthy!"

That instant reply was indeed wise and meaningful. Everyone could be running and exercising everyday but when you could not smile from your heart, the exercise might not be fruitful either. He even told us, he smiles at all time of the day. Be it a good day or not, he keeps smiling. The smiling helps him to achieve whatever he intends to do. Meaning, smile first and do the thing you need to do. The result will be better. I believe him because his face shows.

Food for thought - "Smile, even if it's a sad smile, because sadder than a sad smile is the sadness of not knowing how to smile."

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