Monday, May 07, 2012

To be in love again.

This title "To be in love again" was written on 27 Dec 2007, the more I read it again the more I like it. Have I changed, 'NO!'. In fact I enjoy even more on writing now. And I am glad I still love my little darling as ever. For those who haven't read this title before, please share my feeling here.....

Love is a splendor and to be in love is splendorous. When a person is in love, his eyes show the grow. His heart flows with happiness and joy which stimulates his mind with blissfulness. The thought of his love excites his life. Everything he sees is beautiful and looks like there is no obstacle ahead. He looks forward to a new day as a challenge. To be with his love and to make her happy. In turn, she creates hopes for the man. Hope is like another force which can work wander to both lovers. Love is translated into positive energy which can enhance a person's well being. His personality is pleasant, calm in nature, sweetness in words and confidence in personal drive. Over all, his performance at work will definitely be better and his life will be more meaningful as well. All successful person have someone to love in order to go for the extra miles.

Nobody could live alone and be happy. The smarter one won't. If you happen to be reading this blog now and are not in love yet, don't be stubborn, give yourself a chance to allow another human being of your opposite sex to fall in love with you. You will be surprised, how much you have missed out in life. In order for me to have a heartfelt age of 38 turning 37, I have to fall in love again. I hope the lady whom I love dearest be reading my romantic blog too. Dear darling, thank you for allowing me to fall in love again one more time.

The words from an admirable lady spurs me, "No man can be truly happy until he translates the words from the Golden Rules into deeds and shares happiness with others."


  1. Hello Bro,

    Very True! Noone on this ground earth can live alone.God creates pair of everything...only with the loved one can everything be thrillingly enjoyable... ;)
    Lets fall in love over & over again with the only one.


  2. Hi Sister,

    Haven't seen you around for a long time. Too happy to read your comment.
    Your abang must be a very romantic man to have thrilled your life.
