Thursday, June 21, 2012

Good news might not sell......

I have not been buying newspaper for the past two years. Those days I used to read my early morning paper over a cup of coffee before I start my work. Perhaps it might take an hour or so to finish all the news and stories. Today I no longer enjoy reading them, because there are more bad news than good news on all the pages. I rather start my day with a high positive note than over a negative thought. The head line could be on violent, accidents, rapes, racial conflicts, corruption and abuses. I seldom see the wonderful news which could pep my day, but rather only those sorrowful and painful news that hurt and disturb.

I wonder... Does the world loves to read and hear of bad news more? Or is it bad news could fetch a higher commercial value? Or the media does not have the ability to gather and seek for beautiful news on earth? Don't believe me, please read The CNN International from top to the end, you hardly could get one topic which might energize you positively. So sad! 

Though I don't buy newspaper any more, I still read them Online. Read those which benefit and drop those that disturb. Otherwise click onto Wisdom of Life and let me spur your day. Okay friends?

Michael Jackson once said, "People write negatives things, cause they feel that's what sells. Good news to them, doesn't sell".


  1. Hi Mr Robert,

    You are right. I'm also boycotting to read the newspapers nowadays. They bring the issues that not to develop positive thinking and attitude to our society. That why everyday i'm follow your wisdom of life for my personal development.

    Well done Mr Robert. Your wisdom of life are so inspirational to me.

  2. Hi MdKhan,

    Your comment make my day. May I ask? How young are you?

  3. Hi Robert, I prefer to read newspaper. Although nowdays got lot of electronic gadget Where you can read news online. But i prefer the old method. It's nice to have tea while reading newspaper. And one more thing, it nice to read your blog everyday. Keep on writing Mr Robert. From raj

  4. Hi Raj,

    Do the things you like and you will enjoy them. I like you a lot cause you are like me... A person who don't just received, he gives out as well. The best policy is To Take & To Give. I'm sure you are a likeable man Raj.

  5. Hi Mr Robert,

    I'm in the middle of thirties as your real heart age. Everyday your wisdom also make my day Mr Robert. I'm just wondering how are you consistently make your entry everyday?

  6. Hi MdKhan,
    The mid thirties is the most interesting age wild and naughty like me. Right?

    Most people use only the left brain to think, which is the logical mind. Those who also apply the right brain, which is the creative mind, normally think faster. God have blessed me with them. And now I have to share my creative thought to the world. Otherwise I won't have met you here. Right?
