Friday, June 15, 2012

What retirement he is talking???

Last week I was reading this Head line... 
"Government tabled bill to raise minimum retirement age to 60".

Really! I didn't know I had passed that age. Or our Government is too slow in considering raising the age much higher. Forty four years ago, when I first started to work at a tender age of 20, I was introduced to the compulsory contribution of the Employee Provident Fund (Retirement Saving) or in short we called it as EPF. I knew nothing of this contribution, and I had to be explained by the chief clerk then. He said it was good for me and I should benefit when I reach the age of 55. The entire saving plus interest would be given then. Those days the retirement age was 55. However I had no thought and desire for it, because the number 55 was too far for me to visualize. Now and today, I had gone passed this 55 and I couldn't imagine I had out beat the retirement age of 55 or 57, and now they are considering 60.

If I had the chance to speak to our Minister, I would tell him that retiring at age 60 is still too young for our Malaysian. Please look at me, physically I don't look like an old man. If I could stand beside him, I'm sure I would look younger than him too. Not forgetting my age is actually older than him. In fact my heart felt age is only 34 at the moment. I'm still playful and naughty. Don't believe, please read my blog to see for yourself. Heart is strong and loving. Mind is aggressive and full of energy. How to retire when my mind is still so creative and willing to share and give. Thanks God! I didn't wait for the Government to raise the retirement age. Otherwise today nobody will employ me. Instead I took the challenge to self employed myself, when I turn my hobby into a career. Am I going to retire? No way! As long as I live, I will stay fit and well to focus into my hobby and working career.

For all Malaysian - "Growing Old is Mandatory - Growing Up is Optional" - Chili Davis quotes


  1. Hi,

    after a long time i got some time read blogs... i had time but i have to use them for my own sake.this 20th i can face my exams without any fear....

    the very first time i came here i found out it's very important far as i remember that was the post you mentioned how younger your partners are now and you will never retire...

    automatically i ended looking at your bio.without your details no one can tell that you are father is 50+ but he looks older than you...

    your idea is correct people getting old because they think they are old.but age is not a barrier to your life its only a milestone that telling now you are on top of your life...

    actually this is the time where you can gather all of your experience.... when i'm reading your posts i understand that.

    the way you think and the way you understand others thoughts and feelings are amazing... now i remember about your recent post that you trying to pay someone's payments for him and he says no he can pay them....

    after all i wish you a very success and healthy life... you are one of the grate man i ever met....

    i'm gamiya

  2. Hi Gamiya,

    I'm too flattered by your comments. I give you wisdom and you give me inspiration. That's what I believe The Universe Law... "What goes out has to come back. You give out kindness and you would receive goodness". Thank you so much young man.

  3. Hi Robert,
    stay young, ya....
    our society certainly need people like you to motivate the old and the young ones....
    have a great weekend, ya!

  4. Hi Wan,

    I feel so good when I see you here Wan. Perhaps you could really make me feel young too.
