Monday, July 30, 2012

A faithful and caring son.....

KM is one of my relatives. He is ten years my junior, who has five sisters and four brothers. Among them, he is the most outspoken one and also successful in his business. We both click very well because we speak the same lingo, naughty, fun and the adventurous type. Whereas his the other siblings are serious, no none sense behaviour, religious and the typical Chinese type. 

Recently their ageing mother had a very bad fall, and has to be bedridden. Special care and attention have to be given to her. A wheel chair was bought for her to move around. Because of her inconvenience, all  the children are giving excuses that they don't have the time and place to shelter the poor old lady. Not KM! He immediately took the mother from the village and fetched her to his home in the city in Kuala Lumpur. 

Every morning he has to attend to her mum's need. He bathes, cleans, washes and feeds her with love. The first time when he bathed the mother, was the most unforgettable moment of his life. Though he had sucked the mother breast when he was a baby, and it was her who had given birth to him... both son and mother were shy and embarrassed when she was totally unclothed during the bathing. However after the first wash, both son and mother over came their shyness. Today my great KM feels honour to be able to serve and care for his sickly mother. He said.. Mum you had taken care of me when I was a child, now is my turn to take care of you. 

I was touched with this story. I could not imagine a man like KM who is being considered as playful and naughty by his sisters and brothers, but has a caring heart which non of his siblings has. KM has a so called good wife to the family but she too isn't prepared to take care of the mother in law like the husband. During our discussion, I offered my services to KM. In case no one who is willing to keep your mum, please allow me to have her because she is just like a mother to me as well.

Moral of the story: What's is the point of being living right and decent, when you don't have a caring heart?
Yes! Me & MK are playful in many ways but we do have a wonderful heart. 

One of my best collection quotes - "All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother" - Abraham Lincoln


  1. very nice post, Mr Robert. A very caring son. From raj.

  2. Good article with lessons in pure kindness. But a kind heart never praises himself or tell others that he has a good heart. Always it is others who will heap the praise, in this case his mother or his family and friends like you!
    MK is a rarity, a fine human being. Not easy to equate others to have his qualities.


  3. Hi Shilia,

    You comments are noted my dear.

  4. Very awesome blog !! I couldnt have wrote this any better than you if I tried super hard hehe!! I like your style too!! it's very unique & refreshing…

  5. Hi 12:33

    Thank you for reading my post.
