Monday, July 09, 2012

Closing a big case.....

Selling tips...

This month I closed a fairly big case. The cover is for a few millions and the premium is a sizable one. How long  it took me to wrap up the sale? It was hardly a five minute discussion and the client didn't want to listen to my presentation. Though I had brought the proposal and the details for him to understand, he just wanted to know the premium needed to effect the millions cover. He was too happy to sign under the dotted line and I was equally excited as well. 

Did I really took five minutes to close this case? No! Certainly not! It took me exactly 30 years to develop and build my present skill and confidence, so that my client has all the trust and faith in me. 30 years ago nobody believed me. Even my friends and relatives avoided me, when I attempted to see them then. I had to work very hard to secure appointments. I knew very little on the products and I had to pretend I knew everything, when I knew nothing then. I was timid and shy but again I pretended to be brave and courageous. I thought I had presented well from A to Z and Z to A again, but yet nobody was willing to buy from me. Rather I was rejected and rejected until I almost wanted to give up selling. But Thanks God! My inner mind never wanted me to stop but rather was pushing and encouraging me to continue. 

Time has allowed me to learn, relearned and unlearned until I master my trade. I gradually had to speak less for my products, rather I spoke more about people and their lives. Perhaps you could say it, as Wisdom of Life. When one has wisdom, he earns respect and trust. When one has richness of the heart, he earns value and creditability. When one has the power of knowledge, he earns the confidence of others. Combined all these, you create the success of what you are professing. So! When I asked my client to buy, they just buy without asking. So! To be successful in selling, patience is the game. The longer you last, the better you will be in your career.

Brain Adams said:  "Learn the art of patience. Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal. Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success"


  1. wow, good job Mr Robert. I'm proud of you. From raj

  2. Hi Raj,

    I stay back late to see you commenting. Cause you are one of my special reader.

  3. Well done sweetheart!!

  4. Thank you little darling. Without you nothing works.

  5. Thanks for such a wonderful reply, Mr Robert. Have a nice day ahead. Tc. From raj

  6. Hi Mr. Foo,

    I have to agreed with you, as I am too in sales - recruitment to be precise. Nothing comes easy in sales, what more to understand, proposed, convince and relay the msg across well enough/basic enough to others. Well, only time buy good experience, and only patience buy good time -> this provided one is keep improving themself and learnt from mistake, and do the common things uncommonly. thats is success!

    I was once asked, how a young 25 years old young lady could secure a 45 years of CEO a job? But i did it 2 weeks, successfully got him the best pay of his entire career and in a company he in which he has been leading for the past 4 years now.

    The formula to success: " Patience + smart work + common sense + luck" being at the right place at the right time and doing the right things.


  7. Hi My dear Anonymous,

    Is so lucky of me to meet the youngest successful saleslady here. The way you write, I could feel the confidence and success you have. Thank you for sharing your experiences and please do come by more often. Okay?

  8. Hi Pals,
    I really take pity on those who buys things on trust alone. How
    many times have we heard of people being cheated by 'trusted' agents or sales people! Dont forget that as sellers, money is the biggest motivation. And in today's world, most will not hesitate to go for max gains, @ the expense of the customer. So buyers beware: know what you want, do your homework, ask right questions. Dont trust ad agree in 10 mins unless you want to give money away free.

  9. Thank you Mr. Robert Foo. Hope you write some more.

  10. Hello Altumega,

    Thank you for reading my post.
