Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Where do I get those ideas?

One reader I think from India asked me these two questions....
sumukh bansal said...
from where you get all these ideas..:)
July 1, 2012 1:28 AM
sumukh bansal said...
actually why don't you get your blog published..
July 1, 2012 1:28 AM
Would like to let him know and I like to share with the rest as well...                                                                         
All my ideas were gathered from many many of my dears, plenty of honeys around, handful of darlings and one special sweetheart. They make my life interesting, providing me with humour and laughter all the time. The fun and joy spending together inspires me, the sharing and learning within us motivates me and with their presence unconsciously my mind grows and gains much from them.
I consider myself as lucky and well blessed to have the both worlds. In heart I feel young and be able to learn what the younger generation could do. Being wise in age I could understand much about life which younger people might not. An older man has the wisdom mind but he is totally ignorance in IT and could not express himself in the Internet. He has plenty of knowledge and ideas but no way to share his thought. To the young people who are experts in computer but they lack the knowledge and ideas to share. Me! Oh being that I'm naughty and witty all the time, I could share my endless thoughts to the blogging world. Bottom line is experience counts.
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart, Helen Keller quoted. And I fully agreed with her. Today I write and to share with all my beautiful readers from all over the world. I share without the thought of making money or in any kind, but merely to share for others to gain and hopefully they would benefit from my sharing. If it's not of my free blog, I won't have known Sumukh and The World. Knowing you and many other readers are my greatest achievement and I have to let you know my heart do have the feeling of happiness which money cannot buy. Thank you for reading my blog all the time.


  1. WOW, very nice post Mr Robert. Keep on writing. Have i good day. From raj

  2. Hi Raj,

    You are my morning energy giver. Thank you so much.

  3. Hi Mr Robert,

    You have a wonderful wisdom to share with others. Thank God that He make you a special and wiser person for this world.

    Wish you all the best.

  4. Hi MdKhan,

    I always believe in The Law Of Attraction. When I give out goodness & kindness, I will receive happiness & joy. Reading your comment is almost like God sent message.

  5. Dear Robert,
    Thank you for sharing...
    By the way, Congratulations to you on your 29th (consecutively) MDRT Award...
    Have a nice day....

  6. Hi Wan,
    You are very sharp. And those who are sharp in mind are always intelligence. Thank you for the compliment.

  7. I glad to have bump into you because you can influence people to do good with your thought. May God bless you.

  8. Hi Anonymous,

    Happiness is to see others happy because of ourselves. Thank you for your blessing.
