Friday, August 31, 2012

Love what you do & you will do well....

One of my niece who is 28 is frustrated with her job and had tendered her resignation letter. Today is her last day at work. She told me this is her second employment, and she hasn't found a new replacement yet. Having a bit of time I shared with her my experience.

I hadn't not been working for the past 30 years because ever since 30 years ago when I had found a hobby, I spend my entire present life concentrating on it. Hobby is one's interest when one can enjoy doing it for life and yet won't get bored. Though I hadn't been working for these many years, my hobby allows me to earn enough to take care of me and my family, especially when my children were young then. Through my hobby's earning, I managed to educate and sent all my children to overseas studies. This hobby up keeps my present life's style comfortably and no one controls and decides my destiny. Imagine not working for 30 years and having fun all this while and yet be paid!

My niece was confused and she wanted to know how is it possible!!!

Talking is my interest. Talking is my passion. Selling life insurance allows me to talk endlessly, until I decide when to stop doing it. Others are thinking why I have to work so hard, when all my children are already established in their lives. They thought I should have retired long time ago and enjoy my golden age. Sorry to say, they really don't understand the real meaning of life. My career as life insurance agent is never a work to me, but rather it's a passion and energy for me. Out of this passion, I have so much of fun and excitement. It has never occurred in my mind that I am at work. Rather I am enjoying every moment with it. Seeing my clients is a joy, seeing my client's children grow and getting marry is even more enlightening. Knowing all my clients, who are my great friends now, when they are listening and willing to take my advices, are something money could not buy. How true this quote relates... "The most beautiful thing in the world cannot be seen or touched. It could only be felt in the heart." And Thanks God I have it through my hobby as selling life insurance.

Advising the young lady, I said... "Enjoy your work, and you will not need to work for a lifetime."

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