Friday, August 03, 2012

The Asian Culture of how we bring up our children...

The topic of abusive parents drew much attention lately. Is it true? Personally I think not all places would be the same. Perhaps the West and the East could be different. Being that I'm an Asian, I rather talk about us and let's see how the West could assess us. I'm sure both the West & the East have our strength and weaknesses.

I can't deny there is totally no parents abusing children in our country, Malaysia. It's very scarce and rarely happened. Our laws protect child's abuses, and when parents or adults who are caught for abusing under aged children, the penalty could be very heavy. Culturally and religiously, it's the responsibilities of the parents to bring up good children of them, and it's the obligation of the children to love and care for their ageing parents. It's an honour and pride for the parents to have noble children brought up and it's greatness for the good children to take care of their parents till death. 

Our Chinese belief is.. When you love your parents sincerely, you would be blessed with good children later, who would follow your footsteps.

In both our families between myself and our in laws, our children had seen how we cared and loved our parents or their grand parents before. Today my son and his wife, have the same similar hearts like us, when they too took care of both the ageing parents of both side. Lately my daughter in law's mother had just passed away due to cancer, which she was suffering for 10 years. During this period of time, her son, daughter and my son, never complained of taking care of the sickly lady. I was there to observe and to witness, and I was proud to see them giving so much of attention to her. The last two months before she left this world, my grand son and his cousin sister, both of 11 years young only, also took their turns to bathe and clean their grand mum. I could see she was happy to be blessed with such noble children. I could not resist my tears to see my grand children who could emulate our culture of loving the elders. I am not a wealthy man but God had really blessed me with such lovely children and grand children. I really can't be asking more now. Deep in my heart I wish this sharing could touch everyone, whether you are from the East or the West.

To my good readers, Wan, Adel, Michelle, Raj or Sumukh and others who are from Asia, I am sure you have something to say too about our Asian Culture of how we live with our parents. 


  1. very nice post, Mr Robert. I do agreed with you that our malaysian culture is totally different compare to others. Based on my opinion, i feel that life is a circle. What goes around, comes around. Money cant buy happiness and true love. Have a nice day, Mr Robert. From raj

  2. Hi Raj & Sumukh,

    I know both of you will be here to support and I hope more could comment. The different between The West & The East, the upper is more expressive than the latter. Why keep silent? When we love our children, or we love our parents, say them out. Don't need to hide in the heart.

  3. Yes, we do follow trends and fashion from west, but when it comes to family bonds, I stand strong on our Asian culture. The fact that we don't have to get separated from our parents after graduating high school
    (we can be independent, too, even staying with parents) is something I'm proud of. Love and care is always there. I don't say that westerners are not compassionate( They are very very caring and passionate about animals)but they don't really attached to the family. They meet them for Christmas and Thanksgiving Day. After some time, parents stay in old folk home, feeling lonely and abandoned. :(

  4. Hi Adel,

    Very truthful of you and thank you for this comment.
