Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Spinster......................

Man cannot live without women but I guess women can live without man. I could not believe until I read a recent news over our local paper with this headline... Woman confirms bacheloret​te status – for life.

A 43-YEAR-OLD woman has took up an advertisement in Oriental Daily, announcing that she will never get married but instead focus on her career.

This is strictly my own decision. It has nothing to do with anybody, Chen Lee Fah said in the advertisement.

There is little information about her in the advertisement.

She merely gave her identity card number, which indicated that she is from Selangor.

Her occupation is also not known.

Chen's advertisement was titled “ No marriage in this lifetime”.

“ I do not want to be troubled by any relationship,” she said in the small notice that measured 6.5cm by 4cm.

“ That is why I am placing this advertisement.”

P.S. This time I wonder who would provide me with more interesting comments than the last post.


  1. Hahaha, Robert...
    You will never how this "mentally disturbed" joker think and comments...
    Lets see.....
    Have a wonderful day, ya...CHEERS!

  2. Hi Wan,

    I guess Intelligent people normally think one-sided. They seldom look at the brighter side of thing. They have less sense of humour and always very serious in their outlook. Not you and me who are smarter, though we might not be as intelligence as them.

    Today! I don't see them around. Or perhaps they are afraid to comment because you came in.

  3. Hi Wan,
    See! Coz you came today early in the morning, all our heroes disappeared today. They are afraid of you. Thank you for your powerful remarks.

  4. Hi Bro,

    BASIC Application of GOD's creation:-
    1) All beings created in pair (it takes two to be complete)
    2) All being will be registered and enrolled to LIFE's assessment,according to GOD's hardware in which each being are made from.
    3) Passed each GOD's assessment, then you are accredited or certified to the next level.

    So your pair is one of the requirement to team up in the assessments and is the assessment.

    Olivia & Lover

  5. Hi Olivia,

    Beautifully worded young man. I fully agree with your terms. And Thank you for sharing.
