Monday, September 10, 2012

The longest person's name.....

Recently I signed up a case and my client's name is Sreenivasan  s/o Vinayagamoorthi. To me this was the first time I got a name this long with 28 alphabets to fill on my proposal form. It was too lengthy and the spacing wasn't enough. Jokingly I asked him whether it was difficult for him to remember his name when he first went to school. Yes was his answer and it took him a long time to memorise these 28 alphabets spelling,

Out of curiosity, I wanted to know what is the longest person's name on earth.


Person's Name
The longest name to date is Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Jack Gerald Hubert Irvin John Kenneth Lloyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy Randolph Sherman Thomas Uncas Victor William Xerxes Yancy Zeus Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorft Senior 

The longest one-word name is of a young Hawaiian boy named Kananinoheaokuuhomeopuukaimanaalohilo. The name means "The Beautiful Aroma of My Home at Sparkling Diamond Hill is Carried to the Eyes of Heaven". In Hawaii, it is the custom to give children long, descriptive names. Don't worry though, they call him Joe, of all things, for short. 

So my friend's name isn't that long after all. Or alternatively he could be called in short as Vasan. For me my parents gave me a very short name. In school I spelled my name as Foo Ten Wah and later when I started to  socialize I gave myself a nick name as Robert. Later I was told the name as Robert is a very playful name. Whether is true or not! I have to leave it do my readers to judge. 

John F Kennedy said "Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names."  So! Names are always important in life.


  1. Hi Robert,
    I have a client with quite a long name that our MyKad could not accommodate it and my client need to carry a supplementary identity card to prove his full name...

    I agree with you that names are important and I'll correct anyone who got my name wrong...

    Have a wonderful day ya....

  2. Hi Wan,

    Really! That long to have a second supplementary card to confirm his full name. I have never seen one like that before. Good of you to tell me.

    The sweetest word for everyone is our name. But my little darling loves to be called as sweetheart. Why ah?

  3. Why...?
    You should know better, isn't it?

    Well...all I could say is,
    Ladies are ladies...
    just want us, men to pamper them... RIGHT?
