Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Would U be jealous over your attractive old husband?

Yesterday I had another chance to handover a maturity cheque to a client who has touched 70. He came along with his wife, and both were excited to see their money finally are in their hand now. Over a coffee chat, the subject of 'Man & Woman' was brought up.

I asked the wife, "If your husband was surrounded with many beautiful young ladies, would you be angry and jealous my dear?" Took her awhile before she could respond, "No! I would be happy for him." Deep down my heart, I knew the "NO!" was a false one. 

If I happened to be the wife, I would be too proud and happy to see my darling being surrounded by so many attractive ladies. At age 70 a man, it's not easy to have that attraction. Firstly he has to be confident, has a lot of humour to make everyone likes him, knowledgeable and willingly to share, kind and understanding, humble and entertaining, generous and a giver, and possess a very interesting and exciting personality. When you are jealous over that man, most likely you are the one who doesn't have the quality of him in the first place. Otherwise in every sense, we tend to admire this old man for his attraction. 

For your info... little darling of mine would definitely be proud and happy that if I could continue to shine with such attraction for the rest of my life. I'm also sure she won't be jealous either, cause true love has trust and faithfulness in each other.

What do you think readers?

Funny quote"Don't worry about avoiding temptation... as you grow older, it will avoid you."
- Winston Churchill


  1. how if surrounded by girls at age of 20+? :)

  2. Hi Adel,

    If the man truly loves his woman, trust & faithfulness would definitely be there, no matter how many girls surround him.

    Winston Churchill's quote should be read again by you please.
