Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Christmas Story

I know I'm quite emotional anyway, even so this story especially touched me ...

A couple were Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve and the whole place
was heaving, packed with other last minute shoppers.

Walking through the shopping centre the surprised wife looked up from
a window display and noticed her husband was nowhere to be seen. She
knew they had lots still to do and she became very upset.

She rummaged in her handbag and found her mobile phoned then used it
to call her husband to ask him where he was.

The husband in a calm voice replied: "Darling, you remember the
jewellery shop we went into five years ago, where you fell in love
with that diamond necklace that we could not afford and I told you
that one day I would get it for you...?"

His wife's eyes filled with tears of emotion, she began to cry softly
and stifling a sob she whispered:"Yes, I remember that jewellery
"Well," he said, "I'm in the pub next to it!"

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