Thursday, December 20, 2012

Words can inspire and motivate......

I have known Gurdip for more than 25 years. Started as a small scale money lender, today Gurdip got his finance license and is operating his finance company with a big team. At his office, he was showing me his new company logo and requested me to give some suggestions to improve on the marketing layout.

I told him I'm not an art director, neither am I an artist but rather I'm a creative wise man who believes in the power of words. Words can inspire and can motivate the mind. I suggested to him to pick a good and meaningful proverb, preferable quoted by great and renowned person, and then print out those words as the tag line for his company. As a finance company, a quote related to money would be ideal. His company might be a new establishment but if the proverb is quoted by someone who is famous, those words might carry a lot of attraction to his business. Meaning you borrow strength from another greater force. Immediately the idea caught Gurdip and he wanted me to look for a proper proverb for him.

This morning I sent him this line quoted by Benjamin Franklin who said, "If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting". Don't forget this famous quote was written 300 years ago and these wise words still applied of today. Without hesitation my good friend took my advice. 


  1. Hi Robert,
    Sorry for my ignorance...
    But I am not quite understand the quote...
    Can you please enlighten me on it...?
    I also want to be wealthy...hahaha

  2. Hi Wan,
    It means... Saving alone isn't enough but knowing the way the earn enough to save is even more important.

    Try young man! Soon you would be wealthy. But please remember me when you are rich and famous.

  3. Hi Robert,
    Thanks for your enlightenment.
    How can I forget you as I read your blog almost everyday...
