Monday, January 21, 2013

Chasing girls......

Karen is a 52 divorcee who wanted me to introduce to a boyfriend. Preferable a rich and a handsome man who could take care of her. Chee is a single 66 years old male friend, who out of lonesome requested me to link him to another female partner. Preferable a young sexy attractive lady.

What a request both wanted? She is demanding, not romantic, not elegant and yet wanted a Prince Horse. He... worst still? Never bother to take care of his personality, he looked haggard and unpleasant. He is stingy, possessive and not a gentleman. Mind Oh Mind! He asked for a young lady, unmarried before.

Well since both really have never met before, I mentioned both their names to one another. I gave Karen's number to Chee. I didn't tell the truth of both their characters but rather I painted a rosy picture of both of them. Curious I am to see what is the outcome of their telephone conversation.

The last two weeks, Chee claimed that he had spoken on phone three times with Karen. Each attempt he failed to invite the lady to come out. Wondering why she refused though I know she is desperate to meet her Prince Horse! The last three days, Chee was getting angry because Karen didn't pick his calls for two times. Instead he called to show his temper to me. 

Out of pity, I advised my good friend Chee. A patient man who has the understanding of courting another female needs time and effort. If he wants to win over the lady, even a hundred times call would not deter him from calling. What more when he made only two unsuccessful telephone calls lately. Chee! Unless you change your manner, you wound not be able to get a woman in your life time. Out of my pressing with a raised voice on him, he softened his words and promised he would continue to call Karen again. Good luck to them!!!

I was told - "A woman likes a man best who has a Will of his own - made out in her name"

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