Friday, January 04, 2013

Faith healing......

Yesterday I visited two good friends who were admitted to the hospital. The first friend is himself a Medical Specialist, who is only 47 years young. His wife called me earlier, telling me he was admitted to the ICU for heart failure. Luckily he was treated much earlier and currently his condition is more stable. During the five minutes with him, I gave him a pep talk to motivate him. I reminded him doctors can get sick too if they don't take care of themselves. Right in front of his face I said, "Young man, I'm sure you will recover. When you discharge, please love yourself more coz everyone needs you at home, including your patients. I'm going to see you for another 30 years together. Deal?" In his low tune he replied, "Yes Mr Foo!"

After I left him, immediately I drove to another hospital to see Albert. He is a real estate agent and is only 51 years young. Two days ago in his sleep, he was attacked with a fit or an epilepsy which he had never experienced before. On admission, he was found to have a small tumour in his left brain on scanning. Without further delay, he was advised to be operated two days later. Over the phone with him earlier, I could sense my friend was rather worried. The operation is going to take five hours. Upon reaching his room, I told myself I have to help my friend. I was given the privacy to talk personally with him. I told my good friend, the world has two types of energy. They are the positive and the negative forces. If you had the positive thought, the believe of recovering will be strong, but if the thought is negative, then the hope of making it might be weak. I hold his both hands when I kept repeating to him that he will make it. I asked him to promise me that he would see me again. I am already 65 today, and I am prepared to walk another 25 years with my good friend. Promise me you would? Albert raised his voice and said, "Yes! We meet for coffee soon."

The next day at 6 in the evening, Albert's wife called me on the phone, informing me that his operation was a successful one and he was able to murmur a few word to his wife. I said... Thanks God for helping my friend.

Though I'm not a doctor, I think I am pretty good a faith healer. When one's heart is pure and sincere, words  spoken has power in healing. 

“I will bring back your health and heal your injuries,” says the Lord,” - The Bible, Jeremiah 30:17a (NCV)


  1. i appreciate faith healing..
    but more then that i appreciate a faith healer..:)

  2. Hi Sumukh,
    Thank you for the compliment.
