Friday, January 11, 2013

Seven Rules To Be Happy.........

In the course of selling life insurance, I encountered endless medical problems of my clients. The age group between 45 and 55 is the highest rating of clients suffering from diabetics or hypertension. If they could pass through the age of 60 and above, and not having either of these two sicknesses, they stand a good chance of not having them for the rest of their lives. 

I could relate the above possibilities is because I saw them grow from young to the older age. Between the age of 20 to 30, their physical is always at peak. This is the time when they gather their working experiences, without any fuss over their health. Around 30 and above things change a bit. They could have got marry, trying to raise their young families or perhaps chasing for their financial dreams during this age gap. Their time management is poor, and their expectation and desires are strong, leaving very little time for them to take care of their health. They are stressful due to heavy load of responsibilities. Or most of them could have taken up smoking and drinking, either for personal satisfaction or for entertainment obligation. With no rest and calmness, while facing constant abuses over their physical, without them realising the silent killers of diabetics and high blood gradually creeps into their system. Externally they  look normal, but internally they are sub standard lives. And by the time they reach 55 and above, they no longer have the steam and drive to pursuit for their final dreams. 

For those who survive above 60 and have been responsible, discipline, health conscious, constant exercise and live a rounded life, very seldom they would have diabetics and high blood. Untreated diabetics and high blood might lead to other more serious diseases. Thanks The Almighty Universe, I'm 65 today and are still playful and kicking strong. 

Want to know my Seven Rules to be Happy. Please read on ....
1. Never hate
2. Don't worry
3. Live simple
4. Expect a little
5. Give a lot
6. Always smile
7. Have friends like Robert Foo


  1. Hi Not So lonely,

    I am glad you take my advice. See you for another 40 years reading my post.

  2. 40 years woh, i afraid that time.. you're already.... sorry.. >.<~

  3. Hi Not So Lonely,

    Ayah! 40 years are not too long. I just have to wish you Happy New Year 40 times only, and we would be there, Can?

  4. sure~ uncle wan sui wan sui wan wan sui~ =)

  5. Hi Not So Lonely,

    They said when one turns 101, he becomes baby again. That's when I have to call you Uncle instead. Right?

  6. Have a friend like Robert Foo. :)

  7. Hi Rexmond,

    That was a nice compliment. Thank you.
