Monday, January 14, 2013

Start the day by making others smile....

Starting the day with happiness is the best thing to do. I do it every morning to make my friends smile.
Today is Dato Ramli's birthday when I sent him a message. I said..."Young man, you are a special Angel sent from Heaven to travel this earth and to be my friend. Hope you enjoy the journey and live a long  life full of fun and laughter. Happy Birthday".

Ramli who is 61 years today responded.."Thanks my friend for the birthday message and not massage".

Robert... "Please pamper yourself a good massage too. And send me the bills. What is good friend for!"

Ramli... "My group is going to Jakarta for golf outing next week!"

Robert.. "You need this massage today coz you are a birthday boy. Next week is another beautiful week".

At the same time I sent the same message to Ter who is celebrating his birthday today too.

Ter who is 51 years young today replied... "Thanks Robert".

Robert... "Good day to date your darling wife for a candle light dinner. Send me the bills. What's a good friend for!"

Ter.. "Thank you for the offer. Can you include the air ticket and hotel room in Paris?"

Ter is a millionaire. Happily I relied him... "If that could make this couple happy. Why not? Go ahead and send the bills to me". 

Indeed it was a fun morning, when I could make two of my good friends laughed. Though I could not see them, I knew they were also smiling in their heart.

Food for thought"Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart." - Anthony J. D'Angelo


  1. Hi Not So lonely,

    For smiling this early morning when everyone is sleeping, please go for a super breakfast... Later send me the bills. What's good friend for?
