Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Touch of love.....

Out of the five senses that God gives, Touch is the most intense. Though sight, hear, smell and taste are important, touches are soothing with feeling of niceness. Look at the above picture to see for yourself. The both lioness have no hand but they still need the touching of their bodies to distress among themselves.

This second picture shows a cat and an antelope. Though they are of not the same kind, their affection shows the touching is soothing as well. 

The third picture are the loving birds. They can't talk like us and their ears are not so powerful like human but yet they are the most faithful creature on earth. Whenever they are together, they touch each other often enough for love and understanding.

If animals and birds need those touches, I believe human needs more. If you are one person who isn't happy and are not contented in life, I think you are short of this one vital human sense of touch. Go out and seek your love. Touch someone you like. You will be surprised how the touching of another person would change  your entire emotion and feeling.

This is one unique touch I called as Embrace Touch of Love

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