Monday, March 11, 2013

No salary but it pays by the Millions later...

A young friend is offered a job without salary while on training. He doesn't seem interested, and not willing to take up the challenge. In order to motivate him, I gave him my story.

Thirty years ago, I took up a job without salary too. During the probational period, I had to learn and to attend endless classes. My wife was very sceptical then, cause I had to feed a family of five. How could I maintain the family without salary? I didn't give up, though the journey was tough. Day was on training and the rest of the day was working outside to see people. Within a year on this job, I was already earning much more than my General Manager of the company. Later my job allowed me to send all my children to study abroad, and I had a chance to travel round the world many times. 

What job was that, asked the young man. I told him, I sold life insurance. As an agent, we aren't paid with a salary but rather we are paid by the commission. Yes! There was no salary but the sky's the limit for us to earn. Young man, you might not be getting a salary while on training currently but if you are smart enough this training might help you to earn the millions later. So! Be patience and think about it!

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