Thursday, April 11, 2013

How do you judge the success of a life insurance agent???

Buying tips...

One of my regular readers wrote on his comment....

Mr Lonely said...
harlo robert, long time no see, have you heard before >>> hong leong assurance (HLA) saving plan ~

today i meet a guy selling this, see him so successful lah got BMW + Porsche... T.T~

April 7, 2013
I replied him.....
All life insurance companies in Malaysia have the similar products and benefits. Because we are all governed and controlled by the same Central Bank, Bank Negara. 
Higher returns has to be minimized by lower protection. You can't be paying and saving low premium for high returns and high protection at the same time. Otherwise no one will be saving in the banks. Basically all the saving plans are the same from the various companies. Most important, pick the right agent whom you feel most comfortable to deal with.
There is this famous saying... "The beauty of a woman isn't judged by the way she combs her hair, non how she dresses herself. The beauty of a woman is in her heart, where love resides". Young man, I don't have a BMW or a Porsche but I do have a sincere heart and wise mind that helps me to qualify the MDRT for the past 30 years.

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