Friday, April 19, 2013

I follow my dreams too.......

A dream I fulfilled...

I was in the third year in my insurance career, when I had qualified for my full fledged member of the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT)  from The States. I was the first agent of my company to have qualified for this international membership. Those days we had to qualify for two consecutive years to make it as full qualifying member. Within a short time, I became the pet of the CEO then.

One day the CEO was talking to me. I remembered he said, "No successful agent can be selling too long in the business. One day when you have ran out of prospects or friends, you may find it difficult to secure sales. The better way is to recruit and train others to sell for you."

My answer to him was, "No boss! My first aim is to be a Life Time Qualifying Member of MDRT. The requirement is to qualify six consecutive years in the business. I had done 2 and I need another 4 years." Boss was laughing, "No one has done it here Robert."

In my mind I said, "Let me prove to you I can. Not only 6 years qualifications but a life time qualifying until my last breath." At that time I was only 37 years young. 

Later in my 7 years in the business, my boss sent me a big congratulatory message with a few words added, "Robert! I salute to you. U had certainly proved me wrong."

Today, I had qualified the MDRT for 30 years repeatedly without fail and still enjoy every moment of my career. My dream was to sell life insurance to every corner of my country where there are people who need to listen and to understand what's life insurance is all about. I have accumulated thousand of clients who are my friends now and they too enjoy my bonding as agent to them. 

The story I posted yesterday really helped me 30 years ago. I was highly inspired and motivated by Monty Roberts desire to fulfill his personal dream. As what he concluded, "Don't let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what."


  1. Hi Robert,
    Keep it up, Robert...!!

  2. Hi Wan,

    Now you know my dreams, and I'm sure you know what's yours. Don't give them up. Follow your heart, no matter what. Ok Wan?

  3. YES! Robert...
    Thanks for your support...

  4. Your writing inspired me when I feel down and many of your stories can really help me guiding my students to run their life..keep on writing and telling good stories!

  5. Hi Rosy,

    Rosy is a nice name. Rosy and Robert clicks because both names start with R.
