Sunday, April 08, 2007

Appreciation from a client

I was reading my Sunday morning news when this sms message came from Abdul Rahim.

It was written; " You are many times over '..a friend in need is a friend indeed..' cos you ANTICIPATES AHEAD what others' needs - a genuine professional insurance man. My wife just did her 6th kidney stone blasting. TQ to U."
This what I called Miracles of Insurance that I am experiencing now and many to come.
I have known Abdul Rahim since 1994. A self consultant of pleasant nature married with a happy family. We started as agent and client relationship but through the many years, we have developed a very closed type of friendship. We don't talk business but rather we amused ourselves with laughter and encouragement. I have been listening and have been understanding him and his family. I know their needs and wants in life. The last few years, he had taken my sincere advises, when he had taken the appropriate and relevant insurance covers of minimum cost that he could pay.

Life is always uncertain and sicknesses can strike at any moment, be it whether you are young or old. More so, medical cost in our country is rising tremendously high. Abuses are rampant and scary to believe.

Read today Star to believe; " Is the doctor in? The private health-care business has become so commercialised that even businessmen are setting up clinics to reap profits."

I am glad Abdul Rahim had taken my advise. His family should be well taken care by us. We have created a piece of mind for you, when you could fully concentrate your consultancy and life.

We promise, we would continue to "Always Listen & Always To Understand."

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