Monday, April 09, 2007

Younger wife & older husband

Yesterday I had a chance to talk to a young client of only 26 years old. His father is also my current client. I knew him when he was still schooling. Today he is working and we can talk like friend without barrier. We are comfortable with each other. I gained his youthfulness and respect and he learned my wisdom. Just address him as Chan.

I could see Chan's eyes were full of love and joy. I asked him, "Are you in love?" He told me he has found a new girl friend of the same age. They are very happy, except that they have little time to meet because Chan has to work long and at odd hours of the day.

A lot of youngsters at this age fall in love quite easily because they have emotion and feeling too. For a young man like him to have girl friend is alright but for him to fall in love and soon to get marry is definately too early. On the hand, for a girl of this age to fall in love and soon to get marry is perfect which is my personal opinion.

In nature, most girls develop faster and mature earlier than boys of similar age group. Look around yourself and you would see the different. I told Chan, "good for you to have found a girl friend but have you seen enough of many girls to know she is the best."

Our eyes are very deceiving, we always look and judge by the external rather than the inner of oneself. I quoted this meaningful phrases, "The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows." This article was posted also in March recently.

"Marry to a person who loves to listen to you, and marry to the person who loves to talk to you". If you believe these words, you would never fail in your marriage life. "Husband loves to talk and wife loves to listen." This type of interesting relationship would last a life time.

Marry to the woman who is much much younger than you. Don't be afraid to look for a partner who is 10 years younger or more. For the man would always see the woman as young. Just imagine when he is 60, his wife is only 50. She is still pretty and young to him. The vast different of age would also allow the man to be smarter and more understanding in the long run.

Chan, you need to have many girl friends at this age. Work harder now and build yourself a good career and be successful by 30. Consider a good wife who is a caring one and if possible she has to be much younger than you.

Chan was very engrossed to this conversation, a facts of life very seldom spoken in the home or among friends. I was supposed to explain my products but instead I spoke on the hidden facts of life to enlighten him, I hope.

For what I had done I was happy coz; "Happiness is to know that my life has meaning and purpose, and that every day my life touches others in a positive way - whether to make them laugh or learn or both at once!"


  1. I got married to a husband that is my age about 9 years ago. We got legally separated when my son was barely 4. But our separation has nothing to do with age difference but my ex being a big time jerk who brought so much pain and financial burdens in my life til today.

    To me, I don't think younger wife & older husband will guarantee a long lasting relationship in today's society. This is because marriage itself is such a burden to one's life. I think couples should not get married but go with the flow of the relationship. If things don't work out, you move on. Raising kids? You must be kidding. Don't you have better things to do? Who wants mine?

  2. I am married to a man that is 11 years my senior and I have birth to his 5 kids. I am so in love with im. I am a beautiful blond latin and he is also a latin light with dark hair and I still feel like having sex with him..

  3. Hi Anonymous 19 Sept.

    I feel happy for you my dear. For your sake, i will write something on Older man & younger woman tomorrow. Please read & thank you for reading my blog.

  4. I wouldn't have believed this philosophy but recently I've noticed that all my friends who are the same age or very close in age are splitting up and yet the two couples I know who have a 10 year plus age difference couldnt be happier.

    Sagelike wisdom perhaps

  5. Hi Gay,

    Thank you for reading my blog.
    Read more here & i wld tell you more.

  6. I am married to a women who is 16 years my junior. We've been married for 16 years and besides the fact that she keeps me younger, our love continues to grow stronger as the years go by. I highly recommend men waiting later to marry, and marry young if you are blessed enough to find "the one".

  7. Hi 11:17,

    I fully agree with you brother.

  8. Hi, here's my comment on the older man/younger woman pairing:
    So long as she's not out to gold dig, a younger, beautiful wife can bring a lot of joy to an older man. Hopefully too, he's not a dirty ol' man who can't get out of lifelong pedophilia.

    He can be more caring, understanding, supportive and maybe wiser with money. If a younger woman finds an older partner with a traumatic conjugal past, she is treated like a blessing from above. A romantic man who was cheated, abused or dumped by an ex wife will hold her new, younger wife like china in his hands, showering love and gifts on her. But check for health factors and make sure HIS career complements hers, vice versa.

    He should treat her well and she should not be foolish to make passes at guys. No attachment to ex boyfriends, no secret phone calls or emails so happiness fills the home always. Sad to add this: she must love him till his dying day, pampering him, reassuring him and cry a soulful remembrance when lawyers read out the document he left behind, signed and sealed for her upkeep thereafter.

  9. Hi Kofi,

    Thank you for sharing. Incidentally I'm the old man and my little darling who loves me so much turns me to be a younger man today.
