Thursday, April 19, 2007

Comments from Debbie on Love

I am glad that I had one brave lady, who commented on my recent article, "Pre & Post Love Relationship." Thanks Debbie for your interest and support.

There were many friends who emailed to me, regarding this subject. I rather wish they would forward their thoughts onto the comment for others to read as well. I think most Malaysian are shy to reveal their sharing.

I might not be an expert to advise matters on love, but from my personal experiences in life, I would like to offer some sharing to Debbie and others to ponder.

In life, one could gather knowledge and wisdom only when one is much older. Most of the time when we were young; "We thought we know, but we actually don't know. It is only, when we know that we don't know, then we would know that we really don't know".

How I wish, I could start life all over again with the wisdom of my present to live a new young self. I am trying very hard. As I had worded on my profile section, "I was 38, turning 37 this year". My children would agree that I am a better person in love now.

Some of the wisdom given to me not when I was at 20 but rather at 40. Have you been told, "Married not to a person you love. Rather married to a person you can't live without" or "An ideal couple would be one that listens and the other talks". Further more, when we were young, we hardly understood the real meaning of love. We were blinded by our eyes and feeling. The knowledge was never written to guide us, neither did our parents tell us, what love is all about. Did they relate to you that: "Love is patience and is kind. Doesn't envy. It does not boast and is not proud. It is not rude without self seeking. Is not easily angered. Keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always hopes, always perseveres". They did not express all these to us because they were not sure either.

I am sure, if we truly understand the beauty of love, we would always be able to over come all obstacles of our love journey. To upkeep the enthusiasm and intense passion during or after courtship depend on your understanding of life. There are many who refuse to change but those who are, would definitely be seeking the magic of love ever after.

A poem specially written to Debbie: "Game Of Love"
In the game of love - It doesn't really matter who won or who lost.
When you think of your last love,
You may view it as a failure.
But when you found a new love,
You view the past as a teacher.
Love will always find a way.
Will always win.

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