Thursday, April 19, 2007

Losing sex drive

What a coincidence! Today I posted an article as 'Pre & Post Love Relationship', relating the after effect of having a relationship, Star Nation's headline was, 'We're losing that loving feeling.'

The news were written; Although most Malaysian agree that sex is important, fewer than two in five (38%) of them are satisfied with their sex lives. According to the latest Durex Sexual Wellbeing Global Survey 2007/2008 report, loss of romance and sexual prowess are key factors for the lack of sexual satisfaction. SSL Healthcare Malaysian general manager Voong King Yee said; "Many Malaysian have lost interest and romance, which explains why they are not fully enjoying their sex lives Sex plays a fundamental role in our physical and emotional well-being. Thus, it is important that we protect and nurture our sexual health as well as that of our partner's." He added that 64% of Malaysian would like more intimacy and better communication with their partner. Dr Mohd Ismail Mohd Tambi pointed out that people could also improve their sex lives and sexual satisfaction by spending more time with their partners, distressing and introducing more romance into their sex lives.

"The Ability to talk things out with your partner can lead to an emotional relationship filled with love and respect, which can then lead to ultimate sexual pleasure."

With these news and information, my personal observation regarding the different of pre and post love relationship is true and logical. Pre love period is full of romance, whereas post love has sorrow and misunderstanding. Hopefully, we the Malaysian could improve to be better lovers. Make love not war!

"Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half sorrow" for the couples who are in love. This happy thought is a Swedish proverb.

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