Monday, May 28, 2007

Walking down the memory lane

Last Saturday morning while having my early breakfast in a mamak shop, I met a friend there. I was with one of my grand son and he was accompanying his young son for his tennis games. What surprised me most, was he had the time to be with his son. He holds an important position as a CEO of an international corporation in town. It was never easy to meet up with him because of his always heavy schedules and work. I am glad he found time to be with his son especially this tender age, when the child needs the father attention and support.

When I saw them, I remember this story which I like to share. There was an old retired man who wanted to go fishing on a weekend with his working son. He asked his son, "Can we go fishing this coming week, just you and dad?" The son smiled and replied, "Sorry! Dad. This weekend, I have to work as well. Here are two hundred ringgits for you dad. Please enjoy yourself." Later when the son left, the old man cried and pondered over those few words. He recalled the past and regretted for not spending enough time with his son when he was still schooling. He remembered, there was a day when his little child asked, "Dad, this weekend, we are having a sport event at our school. I would be participating in some games and I want you to be there. Ok?" The busy father who was still working then, replied,"Son, I am sorry, I can't be there because I need to work this weekend also. Here are twenty ringgits for you to enjoy with your friends."

When the father was working, he had no time for the children who at that time wanted the father's present. He did not know building a relationship, required understanding, effort, sacrifices, patience and love. By the time he realised it, the child had grown to be an adult who had his own world and mindset. Most parents fall into this trap,when career and work could be the main causes of society problems. While writing this article, I myself felt the pain and regret in my heart and mind for not spending enough valuable time with my children and the woman I love when I was much younger. Today they are successful in their own way and are living in another part of the world. When they were young, I took time for granted too and had not appreciated that valuable moment. I was carried away with my career and I only love them in silent without expressing it out to them. I hope my children and the woman I love would be able to read this blog where I like to say, "Sons and my dear, I really love you so much. I should have given all of you more valuable time. Sorry for not doing the right thing then."

I should have known this thirty years ago, "It does not cost a penny to speak lovely, true and sweet words." I hope it isn't too late if I apply them now.....


  1. A well said and well written post. Not only that you went through similar experience. I m repeating it again even though i knew the importance of what you had written especially having been drilled into our heads by you several times. I m most regretful and sad that i havent done enough for my loved ones too. Now that i m far away, I do come to realisation that time is no longer on my side with my kids growing up and you and mom growing older (though i dont reckon growing older is the kinda word you may agree with).

    I think its pointless to blame anybody but my only hope is to work hard and sort things out so as to set my priority on track again. All the money and success in the world wont be able to buy lost time and love. All that we can do is to look forward and make the best of what we never did. Its never too late so long the realisation comes to us.

    Dad, you have been good to everybody in the family. Yes, i must admit that you werent there all the time but you had done sufficiently enough for us. I feel lousy not being able to achieve half of you. But not for long as i had vowed to keep my head up and prove to you that i m your worth son.

    thanks for showing me and the rest the right path dad.

  2. A good article indeed.. my humble opinion..

    As family member, all of us sometimes forget the value of life...
    At times, we just repeat the same 'mistakes' our parent have made without realising it..
    We are all human beings and mistakes are acceptable.. As long as we try to give our best to everyone around us..

    I hope we can show the love and passion before it's too late..
